Sunday, June 26, 2011

Miscellaneous Pics

Goofing around in Hermiston!

Spring As We Know It

We have already been in Oregon almost a month! I can hardly believe how fast the time flies when we are on the road. We have had some busy weekends, which really help the time fly. I think we have stood still on the weekdays.

It really is going pretty well for us in the trailer. The worst are nights, as Paige has fussy times with teething and it then goes from blazing hot when we go to bed to pretty cold at about 3 in the morning. When she wakes up her hands are pretty cold and I think that's why she is waking.

We have met some good folks here. That really helps a lot for me, as I can spend my days with others. Tyler gets home around 5 and has Fridays off. That has been super helpful for my sanity! It's nice that it's almost an even amount of time that he's at work and with us.

I know that most of you reading this think Tyler and I are crazy. Just to confirm: we probably are! It's had to explain the draw to this lifestyle that we have. Though there are times I hate it, there are more times that I enjoy it. It's fun to see how others live and check out the land. Someday we will be stationary, and I hope it is somewhere we enjoy as much as Pocatello!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Gibson Jack

A nice afternoon out with the girls!

Poky sites

Hike behind ISU

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Odds and ends.

When Carmen came to visit! Very special to have her here.

special friendship that will outlast all others

This and That

All the girls.

Visiting Granny's house

In February, we were able to go to Craig. We were so glad to introduce Paige to my grandparents while she is still small.
A rare sight: Gramps holding a baby!
Grandma could hardly put her down!